Keep School Corridors Tidy With EZR Lockers & Storage Solutions

To meet the demands of ever growing intake numbers, schools are having to adapt and evolve in order to cope with the increase of pupils every year.
Storage lockers play in integral part in how schools deal with the ever-increasing amount of bags, coats and equipment that children bring into school on a daily basis. Due to their narrow profile, school storage lockers can be easily installed into previously under-utilised corridors, where a relatively large number of units can be installed without affecting usable space. Corridors can become a natural gathering point for bags and coats and many schools have realised the potential trip hazards associated with a cluttered floor space.
Lockers can be provided in a wide range of styles, sizes and configurations to provide perfect storage solutions for just about any size or shape of corridor. By providing a dedicated space where pupils can leave their items securely encourages the children to use the facilities rather than just dump their belongings on the floor.
Not every part of the school needs to have lockers, quite a number of schools use our Trimline shelving systems to create practical storage that can also house pupil's rucksacks, musical instruments and sports equipment. The photo below shows an installation of low level pigeon hole shelving that provides plenty of storage space whilst also giving a useful full-length uninterrupted top surface.
Do you have enough storage in your school? If you have corridors that are getting out of control or if you require any help and advice about improving storage capacity within your school buildings then please call us on 01993 779494 to discuss your requirements.