Pigeon Hole Mailroom Solution

Mailroom sorter system using pigeon hole shelvingThe EZR team have recently completed a pigeon hole storage solution for a spectacle lenses manufacturer. The customer required a solution for storing orders of manufactured glasses that were ready bagged up and ready for dispatch.

After discussions with the client regarding the size of the items, frequency of use and details of anything else that needed to be stored, a pigeon hole storage system was deemed to be the perfect solution.

EZR Trimline shelving units were supplied in pigeon hole configuration (9 high by 4 wide per bay) giving a total of 288 individual mail room pigeon hole locations plus a generously sized bottom shelf on every bay for general storage.

This mailroom 'post box locker' style of storage unit creates a practical and easily accessible wall of picking locations that can be used as general freeform-storage or more specific stock locations that can be clearly labelled via the use of label holders (as shown in this example).

Contact EZR Shelving today to discuss your own requirements for pigeon hole mail sorters or pigeon hole cabinet solutions to improve your dispatch areas or stockroom storage locations.